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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR projects


Project acronym: PANDA

Project title: Analysis of Parallelism and Distribution

Duration: October 2009 - March 2013


Coordinator: Catuscia Palamidessi, Inria Saclay

Other PI's and partner institutions: Dale Miller, EPIs Parsifal at Inria Saclay. Emmanuel Haucourt, CEA Saclay. Damiano Mazza, Pôle Parisien (ENS Cachan, Paris VII and Paris XIII). Emmanuel Godard, Pôle Méditerranéen (ENS Lyon and the University of Marseille). Jean Souyris, Airbus.

Abstract: The aim of PANDA is to bring together different mathematical models of parallel and concurrent computation (geometric models, rewriting theory, higher category theory, stochastic processes), along with theoretical frameworks for static analysis (spatial logics, proof construction), in order to guide the development of software tools that meet industrial needs of program specification and verification (in particular, fault detection of parallel programs involved in avionics).


Project acronym: CCP

Project title: Confidence, Proof and Probabilities

Duration: October 2009 - March 2013


Coordinator: Jean Goubault-Larrecq, ENS Cachan

Other PI's and partner institutions: Catuscia Palamidessi, Inria. Olivier Bouissou, CEA LIST. Gilles Fleury, Supelec SSE. Michel Kieffer, Supelec L2S.

Abstract: In the context of proofs of safety properties for critical software, The CPP project proposes to study the joint use of probabilistic and formal (deterministic) semantics and analysis methods, in a way to improve the applicability and precision of static analysis methods on numerical programs.

Large-scale initiatives

Project acronym: CAPPRIS

Project title: Collaborative Action on the Protection of Privacy Rights in the Information Society

Duration: October 2011 - September 2015


Coordinator: Daniel Le Metayer, Inria Grenoble

Other partner institutions: The project involves four Inria research centers (Saclay, Saphia-Antipolis, Rennes and Grenoble), CNRS-LAAS, Eurecom and the university of Namur. Besides computer scientists, the consortium also includes experts in sociology and in law, thus covering the complementary areas of expertise required to reach the objectives.

Abstract: The goal of this project is to study the challenges related to privacy in the modern information society, trying to consider not only the technical, but also the social and legal ones, and to develop methods to enhance the privacy protection.